понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Breakthrough Study Links Prostate Cancer, Depression, IBS, Adrenal Fatigue And Allergies To Lead And Mercury Toxic Load In Body

Better Health Publishing, announced the results of a breakthrough study in linking multiple medical conditions to the accumulation of toxic metals in the body. Research documenting the effects of modified citrus pectin combined with alginates on the positive clinical outcome of several patients, each with a different health condition appeared in the December-January issue of Forschende Komplementarmedizin (Research in Complementary Medicine), an international peer-reviewed medical journal.

"From light bulbs, dental fillings and mascara to toxic toys, we all suffer from everyday exposure to dangerous toxic metals," said Isaac Eliaz, M.D., L.Ac., M.S. and the lead researcher of the study. "This report of five case studies confirms that modified citrus pectin combined with alginates is both safe and effective and has been proven to significantly address toxic heavy metal burden in patients with a number of different health conditions. The new clinical results can truly impact what is believed to be an epidemic of toxic pollution of the body with heavy metals."

Using modified citrus pectin combined with alginates evolved out of successful clinical trials of Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) alone, after it had proved effective in selectively removing toxic metals and (most importantly) not affecting the body's essential minerals. MCP and alginates (derived from kelp seaweed) is an improved formulation for a more effective binding and removal of toxic metals, without side effects and the risk of toxin re-absorption and redistribution in the body. The clinical study was performed at the Amitabha Medical Clinic in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The five cases reported in the published study include:

1. A 59-year old male with a prostate cancer diagnosis and a suspected history of metal toxicity began a combined regimen of MCP treatment including modified citrus pectin combined with alginates. At three months, his lead level decreased 49 percent. His PSA dropped from 102 to

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